I recently wrote a blog about choosing fun and joy, and the fact that I’d forgotten to choose these lately. I’d even been a bit of a grumpy bugger at work – and I didn’t like it!
My blog really resonated with a lot of people, so I’m thinking that we may all need a reminder about the choices we make. We may even need a reminder that it’s in our power to make these choices.
As our focus creates our reality, imagine a world where we are all consciously choosing fun and joy. Just imagine what that would look like from an expanded perspective!
That is what this breakfast is about. It’s about finding out what your life will be like if you tap into fun and joy in all areas of your life.
Sound like fun?
Please join me.
You’ll leave the breakfast with inspired actions to create change, a sense of fun and joy in your heart and soul, and more than likely even a spring in your step.