Oh what a morning!

Have you ever had one of those days where one thing after another seems to go wrong?

That was my morning… six things in a row happened to me! I won’t go into the details as I put enough negative energy into them at the time, but I can tell you my perception of those incidents were that they were negative.  I finally remembered by lunchtime that these things didn’t just happen to me, I CREATED them and in fact added fuel to the fire to them by being affected by them, thus adding to my very interesting morning.

Once I remembered that I was at choice about how I felt and how I reacted, and that these things were happening to me because of my mindset, I knew I needed to adjust my thoughts and feelings.

So I first got clear on how I was feeling. I owned those negative feelings rather than pushing them away (resisting them). Once I owned my feelings and my behaviour resulting from those feelings, it allowed the space for me to get clarity on how I could improve my day, a day I suddenly noticed that had turned into a beautiful summers day.

So I decided to take an hour out and go for a swim and a lie in the sun. There’s nothing better, it immediately shifted me back into an abundance mindset.

We are 100% always at choice of how we show up. It’s about being aware, firstly owning up to how we are feeling and behaving. If there is any blame there in relation to another person or outside event then you are still not owning your part in it. Once you truly own it, you can then open up the space to shift the focus on how you would rather show up.

It’s your choice all the time, every time.

what are you choosing

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