The Best Tool in My Tool Box

I started my Monday morning with that Monday morning-itis feeling. You know the anxiety in the tummy feeling. I was worried about all the balls I have in the air and I was also definitely reeling (in judgement) over the Paris attacks that happened over the weekend.

I usually go for a 30 minute walk to start my day and whilst walking I remembered the tool I use to move through the feelings of anxiety. That tool is the practice of Gratitude. So I started thinking about all the things I was grateful for as I walked and immediately felt the shift in my feelings.

Interestingly later that day I read a piece that Neale Donald Walsh (author of Conversations With God), had written about the Paris Attacks and he talks about Gratitude and what he said gave me a deeper understanding and I wanted to share some of what he has to say on the subject.

He refers to Gratitude as the “Greatest Tool Ever”. Gratitude enables you to stay positive when surrounded by or submerged in negativity.  He says, “the key is to bring an immediate end to the judgement.” “Judge not by appearances”. When you bring an end to judgement, you bring an end to an entire way of living. This is a life changing shift in attitude an behaviour. So how?

The way to move out of judgement is to move into Gratitude.

This means remaining grateful for every outcome. Even for those things that you did not consciously want to show up.

He says Gratitude is the miracle cure for every moment of dis-ease. It is the fastest way to dissolve anxiety, to heal disappointment, to replace negativity with positivity. It is the way to connect back to the light.

When Gratitude replaces judgement, peace spreads throughout your body, gentleness embraces your soul and wisdom fills your mind.

So why not give it a go. Set up some reminders to practice, think of those who you love, think how grateful you are to have them in your life. Start there and then try other areas.

You see you cannot be negative, you cannot be sad, you cannot be anxious, you cannot be angry and you definitely won’t have Mondayitis if you are feeling grateful.

If you would like to read his full paper, its definitely worth the read, follow this link

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