Where’s ya focus?

What are you focused on?IMG_0192

Did you know your focus creates your reality? Are you aware where your focus is? Is it on what you want? Or is it on what you don’t want? Because wherever your focus is, is what will show up. It is law!
I facilitated one of my Abundance breakfasts this morning. During breakfast  l led the group on a guided meditation to see from their higher selves, their intuition where they are all choosing to be at on this day in 2016, this is essentially to create awareness and focus on what each participant wants to create for the year ahead and also from that, create a clear focus, it also helped each of us see what our themes are for the year ahead.
You see by becoming clear and aware of what you want you can then create that focus. And by connecting to what you want on a deeper level its a much more powerful place to create from.
So whats your focus for 2016? Where do you want to be on the 23rd December 2016?
If you would like to book a session with me to uncover your vision for 2016 or find out more about our “Virtual Abundance breakfast” message me I would love to help.
Have a very Merry Xmas and I look forward to sharing with you a most Abundant and joy filled 2016.
Love & light

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