Oh no I can’t fit it all in!

I am currently in Manly with the Mastermind group I belong to. We meet four times a year and have a weekly call. This group is led by my mentor Jasmine Platt. We come together essentially to be the best versions of ourselves so that we can in turn help others be the best versions of themselves. It’s an amazing program that I am truly grateful to belong to.

So of course being part of such a group means we work on the stuff that no longer serves us. The big thing that has been on my radar of late is my operating system of not having the capacity to do all things. I go into overwhelm if I feel that i have got too much on my plate (all made up of course) and then through that I end up blocking the abundance of all good things, and block the opportunities for others to support me. With running both my property business and building the Jason Snaddon coaching and speaking brand, the overwhelm has been totally present. So, as I said it, has come up, and I can see how this operating system has limited me throughout my whole life, as I have resisted taking on many things, from making commitments and embarking on new projects as, in my rational limiting thinking mind, I can’t handle it all.

Through Jasmine’s help we got to the root cause of why I have made this all up and why I have been operating with that belief system most of my life! So now that I can see it clearly, it opens up the space to allow the healing to come through which we have begun working on.

I am now freed up to so much more. I have also redefined my goals from a much more certain, grounded place. You see before they were there but part of me was thinking “yeah this is great”, but really I can’t fit all that in. But now I know I can and I can see new ways to make things happen, as I don’t have to do it all myself.

So my question to you is, what are your old operating platforms? What holds you back from being the best version of yourself? Do you have really defined goals that you fully, truly own? If you would like to explore this with me, shoot me an email and we can book a call. jason@jasonsnaddon.com

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