Abundance Blog

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Oh what a morning!

Have you ever had one of those days where one thing after another seems to go wrong? That was my morning… six things in a row happened to me! I

What were you thinking?

Happy New Year and welcome to my first blog for 2016. Most people talk about intentions or resolutions for the year, but I want to talk about thoughts. Did you

Where’s ya focus?

What are you focused on? Did you know your focus creates your reality? Are you aware where your focus is? Is it on what you want? Or is it on

Fun fun fun!

If you have been following my posts of late there has been a bit of a theme around fun. You see we are always at choice whether we have fun

What’s it really about?

I lead an Abundance breakfast each fortnight, which is essentially a space to create focus – we tap into each others collective inner wisdom of what’s possible, I teach intuition

How about some Acknowledgement?

I was out on my morning walk, and thinking about what I was grateful for. I had a realisation about what a big year it has been and I still

How do you feel about what you want?

Have you ever set a goal or target and thought “yeah, that would be great, but its not really achievable”? Did you achieve it? It’s highly unlikely because at the

The Best Tool in My Tool Box

I started my Monday morning with that Monday morning-itis feeling. You know the anxiety in the tummy feeling. I was worried about all the balls I have in the air

Oh no I can’t fit it all in!

I am currently in Manly with the Mastermind group I belong to. We meet four times a year and have a weekly call. This group is led by my mentor

Tapping into your intuition (part 2)

So how do you get intuitive answers for yourself? First set the intention on what you want to know. It may be an answer to something, or you may what

Tapping into your intuition

As I said in my last post, it is there for you anytime, 24/7. My first experience of consciously tapping into my intuition was in service of someone else. We did


We all think. Right? We wouldn’t be human if we didn’t. Most of our thoughts though come from our rational mind – our thinking mind. These thoughts are made up

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